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Slide Some Oil To Me

Lessons from the 64 squares...

"Just before you breakthrough the sound barrier, the cockpit shakes the most." - Chuck Yeager

Becoming a great chess player requires a lot of study, dedication, and hard work. Plateauing can happen quickly. This is where we find it difficult to move to that next level so we get stagnant. We don't study as much. We don't play as often. We get...rusty. Then we get inspired and want to pick up where we left off. Well, as any mechanic will tell you, getting off a rusted bolt is much harder than removing one that is regularly used. Sometimes it has to be heated. Sometimes it cracks and must be drilled off. Sometimes they use a "break bar" for extra leverage to pop the seal. It takes a lot of energy and effort. But once that's done, everything else is easy.

Hang in there. Life will try you. Events will lock your soul and time will rust your spirit. Getting that off can be painful. But it is necessary for your growth...for your freedom. The key? Understanding this is a part of the process. And when the rust is off, the bolt is popped and the smoke clears, you will run like the finely tuned machine you are. #NOTG #ChessInRealLife #ResistanceToStagnation #Breakthrough #WarriorMindset

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