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...And A Little Child Shall Lead Them

Lessons from the 64 squares...

"A man has made at least a start on discovering the meaning of human life when he plants shade trees under which he knows full well he will never sit."- Elton Trueblood

I enjoy teaching chess. Some of my students are middle and high school kids. Others are pro athletes and corporate execs. Regardless of their status in life, each of them brings a unique type of perspective to the game which continues to feed my love for teaching it. And then...there's the little ones.

Sitting across from the youngest players is an experience like no other. The wonderment, the curiosity, the questions. It's NEVER boring! And every so often, you get one who is so poised, so engaged, so attentive, you know they've been here before. The more you pour into them, the more they crave. So you keep pouring. You don't really know where it's going to take them, but you know it'll be somewhere great. And even if you are not around to witness the awesomeness this little one will bring to the world, you know every second you spend with them is worth it. The history books may never know your name...but she will. And though she can only pay you in hugs, it's the best payment you can receive. Yep, I do love teaching chess. #NOTG #ChessInRealLife #GiveThemAllOfYou #ItsWorthIt

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